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Privacy Notice for CyberCoach Website 

The short and sweet summary:

We’ve designed our website to maximize your privacy. We do not know who you are, unless you engage with us by booking a meeting, sign up for a trial or give us your contact information through the chat or contact forms. We can delete this information whenever, just ask. If you don’t ask, we will delete it after 6 months. Booking a meeting with us or chatting with us will not put you on any mailing list. No spam, we promise.

The full truth and nothing but the truth:


Security is important to us. It's also important to us to keep our site online for obvious reasons. So we use Cloudflare to protect us against nasty bots, which requires two cookies:


  • Cloudflare places this cookie on end-user devices that access customer sites protected by Bot Management or Bot Fight Mode. It's strictly necessary for these bot solutions to function properly.
  • The cookie contains information related to the calculation of Cloudflare’s proprietary bot score and, when Anomaly Detection is enabled on Bot Management, a session identifier. The information in the cookie (other than time-related information) is encrypted and can only be decrypted by Cloudflare.
  • A separate cookie is generated for each site that an end user visits, as Cloudflare does not track users from site to site or from session to session. The cookie does not contain any user identification information.
  • This cookie expires after 30 minutes of continuous inactivity by the end user.


  • This cookie is strictly necessary to support Cloudflare Rate Limiting products.
  • It does not contain any user identification information.

Online Marketing

Receiving irrelevant cold calls is annoying, so our sales team works hard to identify companies that could benefit from CyberCoach. This process is mostly manual, but we also try to identify companies interested in us through Snitcher. 

This requires a cookie to work:


  • This cookie is set by the provider Snitcher. It is used for identifying visiting company names, it does not identify you. 
  • This cookie is set to expire in 2 years.

We've built our marketing to minimize the use of personal data and to keep all personal data processing in the EU. For this reason, we're only using anonymous conversion tracking from Microsoft Ads. We do not do any ad re-targeting, or track individuals on our website. We just want to attribute clicks to their sources in order to optimize our ads reaching companies that benefit from CyberCoach.


  • This is a Microsoft cookie that contains a globally unique identifier (a GUID) assigned to your browser. It gets set when you interact with a Microsoft property, including a UET beacon call or a visit to a Microsoft property through the browser.
  • The cookie expires after 13 months.
  • Microsoft does not use third-party cookies or sell the information it collects.


  • This contains the session ID for a unique session on the site. 
  • The cookie expires after 13 months.
  • Microsoft does not use third-party cookies or sell the information it collects.


  • UET assigns this unique, anonymized visitor ID, representing a unique visitor. UET stores this data in a first-party cookie.
  • The cookie expires after 13 months.
  • Microsoft does not use third-party cookies or sell the information it collects.


Meeting Booking

Because we want to make it quick and easy for you to meet us and chat with us, we’ve added a meeting scheduler and a live chat. These are both powered by HubSpot and they serve cookies.

If you decline cookies, the following three (3) anonymous cookies are still required:


  • This cookie remembers to not ask you to accept cookies again.
  • It contains the string "yes" or "no".
  • It is deleted after 6 months.


  • This cookie is used to prevent the banner from always displaying if you are browsing in strict mode.
  • It contains the string "yes" or "no".
  • It expires in seven days.


  • This cookie is used to recognize visitors who chat with us. If you have declined cookies, you will be asked if it’s ok for us to remember your chat session before closing the chat.
  • If you have accepted our cookies, or if you have consented to us remembering your chat session before closing the chat:
    • If you come back with the same cookied browser, the chat will load your conversation history.
  • This is anonymous, it uses an opaque GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) to represent chat users instead of personal data.
  • It expires after 6 months.

If you accept cookies, you get five (5) additional cookies:


  • This cookie keeps track of sessions.
  • It contains our domain (, viewCount (increments each pageView in a session), and session start timestamp.
  • It expires in 30 minutes.


  • If this cookie does not exist when HubSpot manages cookies, it is considered a new session.
  • It contains the value "1" when present.
  • It expires at the end of the session.


  • It contains our domain (, the opaque GUID, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session).
  • It expires in 6 months.


  • This cookie keeps track of a visitor's identity. It is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts.
  • It contains an opaque GUID to anonymously represent you.
  • It expires in 6 months.


  • This cookie is used to determine and save whether the chat widget is open for future visits.
  • It is set in your browser when you start a new chat, and resets to re-close the widget after 30 minutes of inactivity.
  • If you manually close the chat widget, it will prevent the widget from re-opening on subsequent page loads in that browser session for 30 minutes.
  • It contains a boolean value of True if present.
  • It expires in 30 minutes.

If you would like to book a meeting with us with the help of HubSpot, you’ll need to provide us and HubSpot with your name and email. These details are automatically added to our HubSpot contacts database. Our HubSpot data is hosted in the EU/ETA. We will only use this personal information to arrange the meeting. We will not add you to any mailing list or spam you in any way. We will also delete this information after the meeting, if you request us to do so. Otherwise, we periodically delete all contacts we’ve not had contact with in 6 months.

Our live chat only collects your personal data if you type it in. Please do not share any personal data other than your business contact information in the chat.

If you want to make sure HubSpot doesn’t track you, they offer 1-click deletion for their tracker data by visiting: You can read their privacy policy here: You can also delete your cookies from the button below. If you delete the cookies we will forget you, this means that next time you visit or if you reload the page, the cookie banner will be shown.

If you trust us but don’t trust HubSpot, you can always just email us at bookademo[at] with a couple of time slot suggestions and we can set up a call or online meeting on your choice of platform.

Data Transfers

Your data does not leave the EU and it is not shared with any other parties than those mentioned here: HubSpot, Leadfeeder and Snitcher. We will never sell your personal data.

Question or beef?

You can reach us at privacy[at]